Author | : | Charles-Albert Lehalle | | ||
Affiliation | : | MIRIAD Technologies, |
8 av Hoche, 75008 PARIS - FRANCE. |
set PATH=%PATH%;F:/Programs/OCaml/lib ../../caldoc -o ocamaweb.tex -key "<" -main -standalone -notitle caldoc is a modified version of mldoc. @author charles-albert lehalle @date feb 2002 @last may 2002
let version = "5.2";; (*> *)
@histo @version 5.2 - mots clef matlab dans ocamaweb.xml @version 5.1 - la macro definition est remplacée par ocamawebdefinition (pour JL) @version 5.0 - recours à ocamaweb.xml @version 4.43 - correction d'un bug de typo (merci JB) @version 4.42 - autorisation des apostrophes dans les champs spéciaux (title, etc) @version 4.41 - correction d'un bug issu de 4.4 : ordre de traitement des fichiers (merci JL) @version 4.4 - suppression du chemin du fichier traité (pour JFL) @version 4.3 - correction du bug de starrification du premier niveau de titre @version 4.1-2 - corrections TeX pour Jérôme L. @version 4.0 - correction de divers "bugs" (défault de special keys) @version 3.9 - correction de l'ordre des "latexifications" et "pdfications" - gestion plus robuste des variables d'environnement @version 3.8 - améliorations de mise en page (vers ocamaweb.sty et directement dans le code) @version 3.7 - inclusion du chemin jusqu'à ocamaweb.sty dans le fichier LATEX @version 3.6 - version avec un seul argument en ligne de commande : envoi des sorties dans le répertoire OCAMAWEB_DEST @version 3.5 - version avec compilation LaTeX incluse @version 3.4 - version compilée @version 3.3 - édition d'une ligne "utilise" / "est utilisé par" en bas de chaque section @version 3.2 - mise à jour de ocamaweb.sty - disponibilité de l'"étoilage" des sections @version 3.1 - système de récupération de "clefs globales" (section 3.2) @version 3.0 - externalisation de la feuille de style LaTeX - numérotation des blocs @version 2.2 - mise au format de mldoc recompilé par mes soins (option key ajoutée) - problème: je ne récupère pas les % des commentaires de la section de code - attention: je dois gérer mes propres backslash en LATEX @version 2.1 - utilisation d'une variable d'environnement - "problème notable" de 1.0 contourné : les fils de 1er niveau sont inversés @version 2.0 - résolution d'un problème de parsing de la première ligne @version 1.0 - problème notable : enpilage en sens "inverse" des sections de haut niveau - attention à l'évaluation récursive des types - choix définitif de la structure d'arbre
set OCAMLLIB=%OCAML_HOME%/lib set PATH=%OCAML_HOME%/bin;%PATH% %OCAML_HOME%/bin/ocamlc Str.cma -o ocamaweb.exe ocamaweb sinuso.m first.tex
function [M, v, l] = a_lot_of_PCAs(n, p, nb) %< checking the argument number % there can be 2 or 3 arguments if nargin < 3 nb = 1 end; %> figure; hold on; %< performing ACPs % the number of PCAs to be preformed is nb for i=1:nb %< randomized input % I will perform a PCA on a gaussian n X p matrix M = randn(n,p); %> %< PCA % I use eig but I could used SVD too [v,l] = eig(M' * M); l = diag(l); csl = cumsum(l); %> plot(csl/csl(end)); end; %>Here we have 4 sections :
SECTION 1 := %< PCA % I use eig but I could used SVD too [v,l] = eig(M' * M); l = diag(l); csl = cumsum(l); %> SECTION 2 := %< randomized input % I will perform a PCA on a gaussian n X p matrix M = randn(n,p); %> SECTION 3 := %< performing ACPs % the number of PCAs to be preformed is nb for i=1:nb <<SECTION 2>> <<SECTION 1>> plot(csl/csl(end)); end; %> SECTION 4 := %< checking the argument number % there can be 2 or 3 arguments if nargin < 3 nb = 1 end; %>And the code :
function [M, v, l] = a_lot_of_PCAs(n, p, nb) <<SECTION 4>> figure; hold on; <<SECTION 3>>As one can see, if you replace the section by their titles, the code is very simple :
function [M, v, l] = a_lot_of_PCAs(n, p, nb) <<Checking the argument number (SECTION 4)>> figure; hold on; <<Performing ACPs (SECTION 3)>>A literate programming software allows to reorganize your code in such a more "readable" way.
source | title |
%% alpha beta. gamma | alpha beta |
%% alpha beta | alpha beta |
%< alpha beta. gamma | alpha beta |
%< alpha beta | alpha beta |
code | caption |
%% alpha beta. gamma | gamma |
% blah blah | blah blah |
<empty line : end of this section caption> | |
% blah blah | <nothing : this is regular comments> |
code | caption |
%< alpha beta. gamma | gamma |
% blah blah | blah blah |
for i=1:n | <end of this section caption> |
% blah blah | <nothing : this is regular comments> |
ocamaweb matlab_file.m [destination_file.tex]
. if the destination file
is ommitted, it is named after the input file (matlab_file.tex) and put into the OCAMAWEB_DEST
directory annd in this case the .tex file is produced and processed with LATEX and dvipdfm.<ocamaweb> <keypatterns> <keypattern name="author" key="" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="author" key="% author" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="author" key="% auteur" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="title" key="% title" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="title" key="% titre" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="project" key="% project" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="project" key="% projet" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="mailto" key="node.mailto" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="mailto" key="% mailto" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="date" key="" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="date" key="% date" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="version" key="% version" before="'" after="'"/> <keypattern name="version" key="VERSION" before="=" after=";"/> </keypatterns> <matlabwords> <keyword name="function"/> <keyword name="while"/> <keyword name="continue"/> <keyword name="try"/> <keyword name="catch"/> <keyword name="for"/> <keyword name="end"/> <keyword name="persistent"/> <keyword name="switch"/> <keyword name="case"/> <keyword name="if"/> <keyword name="else"/> <keyword name="elseif"/> <keyword name="return"/> <keyword name="break"/> <keyword name="otherwise"/> </matlabwords> <info/> </ocamaweb>That means for instance that the author's name it recongnized as :
open Str;; open Xml;; (*> *)
let log_file = try open_out ((Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB") ^ "ocamaweb.log") with Not_found -> Printf.fprintf stderr "OCAMAWEB: WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!\
n environment variable 'OCAMAWEB' not defined!\
n"; open_out "ocamaweb.log" ;; (* to be used as output for undefined special keys *) let not_defined = "***NOT DEFINED***";; let root_string = "***ROOT***";; let empty_string = "***EMPTY***";; let relations = Hashtbl.create 20;; let sub_relations = Hashtbl.create 20;;
type state = Into_comments | Begin_section | Begin_subsection | End_subsection | Into_code | Begin_file | Unknown;; type action = Add_comment | Add_code | Add_comments_into_code | New_section | New_subsection | Into_first_section | Close_subsection | Stop;; (* used to attribute a level to sections *) type state_level = Not_relevant | Star | Double_star | Level of string;; (* j'ai le titre X le nombre d'espaces X un code de référence (numéro d'ordre) *) type indented_ref = Indented_ref of string * int * int;; (* quelques utilitaires pour clarifier le code *) let next1 s = try (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1)) with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "next1: String.sub problem on %s\
n" s; (* flush log_file; *) "" ;; let next2 s = try (String.sub s 2 ((String.length s) - 2)) with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "next2: String.sub problem on %s\
n" s; (* flush log_file; *) "" ;; let char1 s = try (String.sub s 0 1) with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "char1: String.sub problem on %s\
n" s; (* flush log_file; *) "" ;; let char1_c s = (String.get s 0);; let char2 s = try (String.sub s 0 2) with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "char2: String.sub problem on %s\
n" s; (* flush log_file; *) "" ;;
clef | déclencheur | début | fin |
author | | ' | ' |
% author | ' | ' | |
% auteur | ' | ' | |
title | % titre | ' | ' |
% title | ' | ' | |
project | % project | ' | ' |
% projet | ' | ' | |
mailto | node.mailto | ' | ' |
% mailto | ' | ' | |
date | | ' | ' |
% date | ' | ' | |
version | VERSION | = | ; |
% version | ' | ' |
type key_pattern = { name_key : string; trigger_pat : string; before_pat : string; after_pat : string; mutable is_found : bool; mutable value : string; } ;; let build_key_pattern name trigger before after = { name_key = name; trigger_pat = trigger; before_pat = before; after_pat = after; is_found = false; value = ""; } ;; let specify_key_pattern name value = { name_key = name; trigger_pat = not_defined; before_pat = not_defined; after_pat = not_defined; is_found = true; value = value; } ;; let keys_counter = ref 0;; let keys_hashtbl = Hashtbl.create 20;; let add_key_pattern name trigger before after = Hashtbl.add keys_hashtbl !keys_counter (build_key_pattern name trigger before after); keys_counter := !keys_counter + 1 ;; let add_specified_key_pattern name value = Hashtbl.add keys_hashtbl !keys_counter (specify_key_pattern name value); keys_counter := !keys_counter + 1 ;; (* one line is the line string X a boolean (found or not) X the key into the hashtable a "neutral line" is (string, false, -1) a "resolved line" is (string, true, nb) with nb a key in keys_hashtbl *) type line_state_for_keys = Line of string * bool * int;;
let compare_strings str1 str2 = let len = min (String.length str1) (String.length str2) in try String.sub str1 0 len = String.sub str2 0 len with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "compare_...: String.sub problem on %s\
n" str1; (* flush log_file; *) false ;; (* use: contains_substring str substr (String.length str) (String. length substr) 0 return the index of the end of substr into str, raises Not_found if not found *) let rec contains_substring_rec str sub_str l sl n = if char1 str = char1 sub_str then begin if compare_strings str sub_str then n + sl else if l > sl then contains_substring_rec (next1 str) sub_str (l - 1) sl (n + 1) else raise Not_found; end else if l > sl then contains_substring_rec (next1 str) sub_str (l - 1) sl (n + 1) else raise Not_found; ;; (* I do not understand why this does not exist in ocaml!! returns the index of the end of substr into str or raises Not_found *) let contains_substring str substr = contains_substring_rec str substr (String.length str) (String.length substr) 0;; (*> *)
(* to be used as : (confront_key_to_string k d str) *) let confront_key_to_string k key one_line = match one_line with Line( content, is_found, _) -> begin if is_found || key.is_found then one_line else try (* If the key trigger is in the line *) let deb = contains_substring content key.trigger_pat in begin try Line( String.sub content deb ((String.length content) - deb) , true, k) with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "confront_...: String.sub problem on %s\
n" content; (* flush log_file; *) Line( content , false, -1) end with Not_found -> Line( content, false, -1) end ;; (*> *) (* to find which key is in the string *) let has_key one_string = if String.length one_string = 0 then false else let line_s = Line( one_string, false, -1) in let is_it_a_key = Hashtbl.fold confront_key_to_string keys_hashtbl line_s in match is_it_a_key with Line( str, is_found, nb) -> if is_found then let this_key = Hashtbl.find keys_hashtbl nb in try (* extraction du morceau important *) let find_first = contains_substring str this_key.before_pat in let first_part = String.sub str find_first ((String.length str) - find_first) in (* en fait c'est bon : - si c'est le dernier - ou si le suivant n'est pas le même *) let find_last = contains_substring first_part this_key.after_pat in let this_value = String.sub first_part 0 (find_last - (String.length this_key.after_pat)) in this_key.is_found <- true; this_key.value <- this_value; Printf.fprintf log_file "KEY: %s -> %s\
n" this_value this_key.name_key; Hashtbl.replace keys_hashtbl nb this_key; true; with Not_found -> false | Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "has_key: String.sub problem on %s\
n" str; (* flush log_file; *) false else false ;; (* a key value is N x B x S, (N is a key name) where B is false is S is not relevant, true otherwise. *) type key_value = Key_value of string * bool * string;; (* to be used on the keys hashtable to get the value of a key *) let get_key_value_fold index key current_key_value = match current_key_value with Key_value( name, is_found, value) -> if is_found then current_key_value else if (key.name_key = name) && key.is_found then Key_value( name, true, key.value) else current_key_value ;; (* to get the value of a given key *) let get_key_value k = let init_key_value = Key_value( k, false, "") in let found_result = Hashtbl.fold get_key_value_fold keys_hashtbl init_key_value in match found_result with Key_value( s, b, value) -> if b then value else not_defined ;; (*> *) (*> *)
(* to determine the "star level" of the section mark *) let star_level str = let str_l = String.length str in if str_l < 3 then (str, Not_relevant) else let short_str = next2 str in (* Printf.fprintf log_file ">>>| %s\
n" str; *) Printf.fprintf log_file "***| %s(%c)\
n" short_str (char1_c short_str); match char1_c short_str with '*' -> if str_l < 4 then (next1 short_str, Star) else begin let very_short_str = next1 short_str in Printf.fprintf log_file "***| %s(%c)\
n" very_short_str (char1_c very_short_str); match char1_c very_short_str with '*' -> (next1 very_short_str, Double_star) | '0' ..'9' -> (next1 very_short_str, Level( char1 very_short_str)) | _ -> (very_short_str, Star) end | _ -> (short_str, Not_relevant) ;; (* debug tool *) let get_star_level l = match l with Not_relevant -> "NR" | Star -> "STAR" | Double_star -> "2STAR" | Level( f) -> "Level(" ^ f ^ ")" ;; (*> *)
let rec explode s = if (String.length s) = 0 then (Into_code, "", Not_relevant) else match (char1 s) with " " -> explode (next1 s) | "%" -> begin if (String.length s) > 1 then (* dans les deux premier cas il faut regarder plus loin pour voir si la section est étoilée *) match (char2 s) with "%%" -> let (next_s, s_level) = star_level s in Printf.fprintf log_file "+++| %s[%s]\
n" next_s (get_star_level s_level); (Begin_section, next_s, s_level) | "%<" -> let (next_s, s_level) = star_level s in Printf.fprintf log_file "+++| %s[%s]\
n" next_s (get_star_level s_level); (Begin_subsection, next_s, s_level) | "%>" -> (End_subsection, (next2 s), Not_relevant) | _ -> (Into_comments, (next1 s), Not_relevant) else (Into_comments, (next1 s), Not_relevant) end; | _ -> (Into_code, s, Not_relevant) ;; (*> *)
(* pour résumer un string*) let short_string str = (* str ;;*) try String.sub str 0 (min (String.length str) 10) with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "short_string: String.sub problem on %s\
n" str; (* flush log_file; *) "" ;; (* pour décrire l'état *) let say_state (s, str) = let s_str = short_string str in match s with Begin_section -> Printf.fprintf log_file "Debut de section <-- %s\
n" s_str | Into_comments -> Printf.fprintf log_file "Dans les commentaires <-- %s\
n" s_str | Begin_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "Debut de sous section <-- %s\
n" s_str | End_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "Fin de sous section <-- %s\
n" s_str | Into_code -> Printf.fprintf log_file "Dans le code <-- %s\
n" s_str | Begin_file -> Printf.fprintf log_file "Tout début de fichier <-- %s\
n" s_str | _ -> Printf.fprintf log_file "ERREUR!!!<-- %s\
n" s_str ;; (*> *)
(* je vais ranger mon code dans un arbre *) type 'a tree = Empty | Noeud of 'a * 'a tree list;; (*type arbre = Empty | Noeud of section * arbre list;; *) (* fabrication d'un noeud vide *) type section = { refcode : indented_ref ; level : state_level ; title : string ; comments : string ; code : string ; };; let get_refcode_s d = match d.refcode with Indented_ref( s, _, _) -> s ;; (* pour plus tard *) let root_section = { refcode = Indented_ref( root_string, 0, 0); level = Not_relevant ; title = "" ; comments = "" ; code = "" ; };; (* pour plus tard *) let empty_section = { refcode = Indented_ref( empty_string, 0, 0); level = Not_relevant ; title = "" ; comments = "" ; code = "" };;
(* se débarasser des charactères spéciaux *) let rec without_escapes s = if (String.length s) = 0 then "" else match (char1 s) with | "}" -> "\
}" ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) | "{" -> "\
{" ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) | "_" -> "\
_" ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) | "^" -> "\
" ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) | "#" -> "\
#" ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) | "\
" -> "\
bs{}" ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) | _ -> (char1 s) ^ (without_escapes (next1 s)) ;;
let get_relation f = try Hashtbl.find relations (get_refcode_s f) with Not_found -> Printf.fprintf log_file "--[%s:notfound]\
n" (get_refcode_s f); empty_string ;; let get_subrelations f = try Hashtbl.find sub_relations (get_refcode_s f) with Not_found -> Printf.fprintf log_file "--[%s:notfound]\
n" (get_refcode_s f); [ empty_string ] ;; let rec pretty_print_rel_list l= match l with [] -> "" | head :: tail -> if (head = root_string) || (head = empty_string) then Printf.sprintf "%s" (pretty_print_rel_list tail) else Printf.sprintf "\
refangles{refcode:%s} %s" head (pretty_print_rel_list tail) ;; let pretty_print_relations s empty_comments= Printf.fprintf log_file "PPR>\
n"; let prefix_relations = ref "" in if empty_comments then prefix_relations := "" else prefix_relations := "~\
n"; let p = get_relation s in let f = get_subrelations s in if p = "0" then if (List.length f) = 1 && (((List.hd f) = empty_string) || ((List.hd f) = root_string)) then "" else Printf.sprintf "%s{\
uses %s}" !prefix_relations (pretty_print_rel_list f) else if f = [] then Printf.sprintf "%s{\
refangles{refcode:%s}}" !prefix_relations p else begin if (List.length f) = 1 && (((List.hd f) = empty_string) || ((List.hd f) = root_string)) then Printf.sprintf "%s{\
refangles{refcode:%s}}" !prefix_relations p else Printf.sprintf "%s{\
anglesref{refcode:%s} ---\
uses %s}" !prefix_relations p (pretty_print_rel_list f) end ;; (*> *) let pretty_print_level l = match l with Not_relevant -> "0" | Star -> "10" | Double_star -> "100" | Level( f) -> f ;; let before_code_symbol = "\
n";; let after_code_symbol = "\
n";; let before_section_symbol = "\
bsecsymbol";; let pretty_print_section sec = let after_comments_carriage = ref "" in if sec.comments = "" then after_comments_carriage := "\
n" else after_comments_carriage := "~\
n"; match sec.refcode with Indented_ref( s, n, c) -> "\
noindent" ^ before_section_symbol ^ "\
n" ^ "\
sectitle{" ^ (pretty_print_level sec.level) ^ "}{" ^ sec.title ^ "}" ^ "{" ^ (string_of_int c) ^ "}\
n" ^ sec.comments ^ !after_comments_carriage ^ (pretty_print_relations sec (sec.comments = "")) ^ "\
n" ^ "\
n" ^ before_code_symbol ^ sec.code ^ after_code_symbol ;; (* to gain CPU time*) let process_strings_regexp = (regexp "\
([, (\
)");; (* Pas mieux pour l'instant: Test: # get_strings "ceci est un 'test' '''' assez 'étrange': A' + ['test''m''test', 'test','a'] ('al').";; *) let process_strings str = global_replace process_strings_regexp "\
3" str;; (* let process_cmts str = global_replace (regexp "\
)") "\
2" str;; *) (* for the "end of line" comments *) (* to gain CPU time*) let colorize_regexp_1 = (regexp "|");; let colorize_regexp_2 = (regexp "&");; let colorize_regexp_3 = (regexp "=");; let colorize_regexp_4 = (regexp "==");; let colorize_regexp_5 = (regexp "~");; let colorize_regexp_6 = (regexp "<=");; let colorize_regexp_7 = (regexp ">=");; let colorize_regexp_oo = ref (regexp "\
clef | déclencheur | début | fin |
author | | ' | ' |
% author | ' | ' | |
% auteur | ' | ' | |
title | % titre | ' | ' |
% title | ' | ' | |
project | % project | ' | ' |
% projet | ' | ' | |
mailto | node.mailto | ' | ' |
% mailto | ' | ' | |
date | | ' | ' |
% date | ' | ' | |
version | VERSION | = | ; |
% version | ' | ' |
try let xml_inits = Xml.parse_file ((Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB") ^ "ocamaweb.xml") in let caracts = (get_childs xml_inits) in (* caracts in a list of xml structs, I want the one with 'keypatterns' tag *) let is_keypatterns xml_struct = (get_name xml_struct) = "keypatterns" in let key_patterns = (get_childs (List.find is_keypatterns caracts)) in (* now I have to put the keypatterns into my hashtable *) let xml_key_atomic_value xml_list n = let couple = List.nth xml_list n in match couple with a,b -> b in let add_key_pattern_from_xml xml_struct = match xml_struct with name,attribs,childs -> let key_name = xml_key_atomic_value attribs 0 in let key_sign = xml_key_atomic_value attribs 1 in let before_name = xml_key_atomic_value attribs 2 in let after_name = xml_key_atomic_value attribs 3 in add_key_pattern key_name key_sign before_name after_name in let is_matlabwords xml_struct = (get_name xml_struct) = "matlabwords" in let matlab_words = (get_childs (List.find is_matlabwords caracts)) in (* now I have to put the matlabwords into a list *) let extract_name_from_matlabwords xml_struct = match xml_struct with name,attribs,childs -> xml_key_atomic_value attribs 0 in (* here I form a list with all the matlab words *) let matlabwords_list = extract_name_from_matlabwords matlab_words in let matlabwords_concat mw_init mw_next = (mw_init ^ "\
|" ^ mw_next) in let matlabwords_regexp = (regexp ("\
(" ^ (List.fold_left matlabwords_concat (List.hd matlabwords_list) ( matlabwords_list) ^ "\
b"))) in (* here I have got the correct regexp, for instance : (global_replace matlabwords_regexp "\
0}" "if a==0 then 1 else 2 end;") returns a correct answer *) colorize_regexp_oo := matlabwords_regexp; (* get the keypattern informations *) List.iter add_key_pattern_from_xml key_patterns with e -> Printf.fprintf stderr "OCAMAWEB: I cannot find <ocamaweb.xml> file in <%s>\
n" (Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB") ; add_key_pattern "author" "" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "author" "% author" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "author" "% auteur" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "title" "% title" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "title" "% titre" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "project" "% project" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "project" "% projet" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "mailto" "node.mailto" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "mailto" "% mailto" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "date" "" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "date" "% date" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "version" "% version" "'" "'"; add_key_pattern "version" "VERSION" "=" ";" ;; (*> *) (* to colorize the code parts *) let colorize str = process_strings (global_replace colorize_regexp_1 "{\
vt}" (global_replace colorize_regexp_2 "{\
va}" (global_replace colorize_regexp_3 "{\
oeq}" (global_replace colorize_regexp_4 "{\
ooeq}" (global_replace colorize_regexp_5 "{\
otdl}" (global_replace colorize_regexp_6 "{\
)}" (global_replace colorize_regexp_7 "{\
)}" (global_replace !colorize_regexp_oo "\
0}" (without_escapes str))))))))) ;; let without_path f = try let deb_path = 1 + (String.rindex f '/') in String.sub f deb_path ((String.length f) - deb_path) with Not_found -> try let deb_path = 1 + (String.rindex f '\
') in String.sub f deb_path ((String.length f) - deb_path) with Not_found -> f ;; let neutralize_filenames_regexp = (regexp "_");; (* juste pour neutraliser les _ et\
dans les noms de (fichiers) *) let neutralize_filenames str_fname = let str = without_path str_fname in try let ridx = (1 + (String.rindex str '/')) in let only_filename = String.sub str ridx ((String.length str) - ridx) in global_replace neutralize_filenames_regexp "\
_" only_filename with Not_found -> global_replace neutralize_filenames_regexp "\
_" str ;; let rec first_defined str_lst = match str_lst with [] -> not_defined | head :: tail -> if head = not_defined then first_defined tail else head ;; let get_email str = if str = not_defined then "" else "\
tt mailto:" ^ str ^ "}" ;; (* to include ocamaweb.sty file into the LaTeX one *) let windows_path_to_unix str = global_replace (regexp "[\
]") "/" str;; let get_style_path = try (windows_path_to_unix (Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB")) with Not_found -> "" ;; let get_first_line _ = let project_name_v = (get_key_value "project") in if project_name_v = not_defined then "" else project_name_v ^ "\
" ;; let title_or_filename _ = let tit = (get_key_value "title") in if tit = not_defined then (get_key_value "filename") else tit ;; let head_of_file _ = "\
input{" ^ get_style_path ^ "ocamaweb.sty}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebauthor{" ^ (get_key_value "author") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebtitle{" ^ (title_or_filename ()) ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebproject{" ^ (get_key_value "project") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebfilename{" ^ (get_key_value "filename") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebmailto{" ^ (get_key_value "mailto") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebdate{" ^ (get_key_value "date") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
ocamawebversion{" ^ (get_key_value "version") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
n" ;; (* "\
title{" ^ (get_first_line ()) ^ (first_defined [(get_key_value "title") ; (get_key_value "filename") ]) ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
author{" ^ (get_key_value "author") ^ (get_email (get_key_value "mailto")) ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
date{Imprimé le\
dernière modification le " ^ (get_key_value "date") ^ "}\
n" ^ "\
n";; *) let foot_of_file = "\
n";; (*> *)
(* pour résoudre un problème d'empilage: je vais créer une fonction qui inverse l'ordre du premier niveau de l'arbre *) let reverse_sons t = match t with Empty -> t | Noeud(s, f) -> (* je vais inverser l'ordre des fils |f| et les remettre dans s: *) Noeud(s, List.rev f) ;; (* affiche un titre *) let print_title s = Printf.fprintf stdout "%s%s\
n" (String.make 1 ' ') s.title;; (* listing des titres des noeuds d'un arbre *) let rec get_section = function Empty -> empty_section | Noeud(s, _) -> s ;; (* liste les différents titres d'un arbre *) let rec get_t nb n = match n with Empty -> Printf.fprintf stdout "%s\
n" (String.make nb '@'); | Noeud(s, l) -> begin Printf.fprintf stdout "%s%s\
n" (String.make nb '@') s.title; ignore ( (get_t (2 + nb)) l); end; ;; (* liste les différents commentaires d'un arbre *) let rec get_c nb n = match n with Empty -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stdout "%s\
n" (String.make nb '@')); | Noeud(s, l) -> begin Printf.fprintf stdout "%s%s\
n" (String.make nb '@') s.title s.comments; ignore ( (get_c (2 + nb)) l); end; () ;;
let concat_subrelation k v = try let l = Hashtbl.find sub_relations k in Hashtbl.replace sub_relations k (List.append l [ v]) with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add sub_relations k [v] ;; let get_ref_number s = match s.refcode with Indented_ref(_, _, s) -> (string_of_int s) ;; let add_to_relations f d = (* Printf.fprintf stdout "REL> %s --son of-- %s\
n" (get_refcode_s d) (get_refcode_s f); *) Hashtbl.add relations (get_refcode_s d) (get_ref_number f); (* Printf.fprintf stdout "REL> %s --father of-- %s\
n" (get_refcode_s f) (get_refcode_s d); *) concat_subrelation (get_refcode_s f) (get_ref_number d) ;; (* renseigne récursivement les hashtables d'indexation des pères et fils *) let rec build_relations_rec f a_tree = match a_tree with Empty -> () | Noeud(desc, fils) -> add_to_relations f desc; ignore ( (build_relations_rec desc) fils) ;; (*> *)
(* affichage du contenu d'un élément puis de ses fils comme déclarations de blocs *) let rec son_to_string str l_tree = match l_tree with Empty -> str | Noeud(t, l) -> str ^ (pretty_print_section t ) ^ (List.fold_left son_to_string "" l) ;; let to_string t = match t with Empty -> ""; | Noeud(s, l) -> (* j'ai les noeud principaux, je vais afficher : - le contenu du premier avec un code c - puis ses blocs de référence - puis pour chaque autre élément de la liste : - le contenu du premier - puis ses blocs de référence *) let first = List.nth l 0 in List.fold_left son_to_string "" l ;; (*> *) (*> *) (*> *) (*> *)
(* récupération de l'état d'une ligne *) let get_line_state (s, _, _) = s;; let get_line_str (_, s, _) = s;; let get_line_level (_, _, l) = l;; (* croisement de l'état global et de celui d'une ligne. C'est LA grosse machine à états du parseur *) let cross_states g_state pline = let this_level = get_line_level pline in let l_state = get_line_state pline in let str = short_string (get_line_str pline) in match g_state with Begin_section | Into_comments | Begin_subsection -> begin match l_state with Begin_section -> Printf.fprintf log_file "a(1) new section: %s ...\
n" str; ( Begin_section, New_section, this_level) | Into_comments -> Printf.fprintf log_file "b(2) add comments to current (sub?)section: %s ...\
n" str; ( Into_comments, Add_comment, this_level) | Begin_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "c(3) new subsection (insert into former code): %s ...\
n" str; ( Begin_subsection, New_subsection, this_level) | End_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "d(4) close current (sub)section: %s ...\
n" str; ( End_subsection, Close_subsection, this_level) | Into_code -> Printf.fprintf log_file "e(5) close comment part and begin code part: %s ...\
n" str; ( Into_code, Add_code, this_level) | Begin_file -> Printf.fprintf log_file "f(*) ERROR!!: %s ...\
n" str; ( Unknown, Stop, this_level) | _ -> ( Unknown, Stop, this_level) end; | End_subsection | Into_code -> begin match l_state with Begin_section -> Printf.fprintf log_file "g(1) new section: %s ...\
n" str; ( Begin_section, New_section, this_level) | Into_comments -> Printf.fprintf log_file "h(6) stay into code: %s ...\
n" str; ( Into_code, Add_comments_into_code, this_level) | Begin_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "i(3) new subsection (insert into former code): %s ...\
n" str; ( Begin_subsection, New_subsection, this_level) | End_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "j(4) close current (sub)section: %s ...\
n" str; (End_subsection, Close_subsection, this_level) | Into_code -> Printf.fprintf log_file "k(6) stay into code: %s ...\
n" str; (Into_code, Add_code, this_level) | Begin_file -> Printf.fprintf log_file "l(*) ERROR!!: %s ...\
n" str; (Unknown, Stop, this_level) | _ -> ( Unknown, Stop, this_level) end; | Begin_file ->begin match l_state with Begin_section -> Printf.fprintf log_file "m(7) compose the first section: %s ...\
n" str; (Into_comments, Into_first_section, this_level) | Into_comments -> Printf.fprintf log_file "n(8) stay into Begin_file (add to code): %s ...\
n" str; (Begin_file, Add_code, this_level) | Begin_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "o(*) ERROR!!: %s ...\
n" str; (Unknown, Stop, this_level) | End_subsection -> Printf.fprintf log_file "p(*) ERROR!!: %s ...\
n" str; (Unknown, Stop, this_level) | Into_code -> Printf.fprintf log_file "q(8) stay into Begin_file (add to code): %s ...\
n" str; (Begin_file, Add_code, this_level) | Begin_file -> Printf.fprintf log_file "l(*) ERROR!!: %s ...\
n" str; ( Unknown, Stop, this_level) | _ -> ( Unknown, Stop, this_level) end; | _ -> ( Unknown, Stop, this_level) ;; (* variable globale *) let global_state = ref Begin_file ;;
(* renvoie tout avant le premier ["."] rencontré *) let title_part str_ = if String.length str_ = 0 then "" else let spaces_nb = ref 0 in try while (String.sub str_ !spaces_nb 1= " ") do spaces_nb := !spaces_nb + 1 done; let str = String.sub str_ !spaces_nb (String.length str_ - !spaces_nb) in begin try let point_pos = String.index str '.' in if point_pos > 0 then String.sub str 0 point_pos else "" with Not_found -> str end with Invalid_argument( ia_s) -> Printf.fprintf log_file "title_part: String.sub problem on %s\
n" str_; (* flush log_file; *) str_ ;; (* renvoie tout après le premier ["."] rencontré *) let comment_part str = try let point_pos = String.index str '.' in let str_len = String.length str in if str_len > (1 + point_pos) then String.sub str (1 + point_pos) ( str_len - point_pos - 1) else "" with Not_found -> "" ;; (* I had my xml parsing functions here *)
let refcode_counter = ref 0;; let make_generic_refcode str_ dec = refcode_counter := !refcode_counter + 1 - dec; if String.length str_ = 0 then Indented_ref ("", 0, !refcode_counter) else let spaces_nb = ref 0 in while (String.sub str_ !spaces_nb 1= " ") do spaces_nb := !spaces_nb + 1 done; let str = String.sub str_ !spaces_nb (String.length str_ - !spaces_nb) in let (str_unstar, s) = star_level str in let title = title_part str_unstar in (* Printf.fprintf log_file "RRR> %s\
n-*-> %s\
n" str str_unstar; *) if dec = 1 then begin Printf.fprintf log_file "RR1> %s |%d|%d (%d)\
n" title !spaces_nb (!refcode_counter + dec) dec; Indented_ref (title, !spaces_nb, !refcode_counter + dec); end else begin Printf.fprintf log_file "RR0> %s |%d|%d (%d)\
n" str 0 (!refcode_counter + dec) dec; Indented_ref (str, 0, !refcode_counter + dec) end ;; (* renvoie un refcode pour le string : un "nettoyage" (pour WEB) de la partie du string avant le 1er ["."] rencontré. D'abord j'enlève (et je compte) le nombre d'espaces qu'il y a avant *) let make_refcode str_ = make_generic_refcode str_ 0;; (* le même mais dans le vide *) let make_fake_refcode str_ = make_generic_refcode str_ 1;; (* référence un bloc par refcode (les retours charriot ne sont pas compris) *) let insert_refcode my_refcode = match my_refcode with | Indented_ref( s, n, c) -> (String.make n ' ') ^ "\
refcode{" ^ s ^ "}{" ^ (string_of_int c) ^ "}" ;; (* declare un bloc par refcode (les retours charriot ne sont pas compris) let declare_refcode str = "@<" ^ str ^ "@>=";; let end_of_first_comments = "@c\
n";; let end_of_comments = "@p\
n";; *) (*> *) (*> *)
(* j'ai besoin d'une racine : une liste de noeuds (je la met à l'extérieur pour que cela ne soit pas trop récursif -mal de tête-) *) let root_nodes = ref [];; let regexp_no_tabs = regexp "[\
let rec make_section first_line channel_name first_line_level = let refcode_ = ref (Indented_ref("", 0, 0)) in let title_ = ref "" in let level_ = ref first_line_level in let comments_ = ref "" in let code_ = ref "" in let into_parsing = ref true in let fils = ref [] in if !global_state <> Begin_file then begin title_ := title_part first_line; comments_ := comment_part first_line; refcode_ := make_refcode first_line; Printf.fprintf log_file "**>> %s\
n" (get_star_level !level_); end; (* tant je ne dois pas créer une section de façon récursive *) while !into_parsing do (* flush log_file; *) try let this_line = (global_replace regexp_no_tabs " " (input_line channel_name)) in let has_any_special_keys = has_key this_line in let this_parsed_line = explode this_line in let this_str = (get_line_str this_parsed_line) in let carriage = "\
n" in let (new_state, this_action, this_state_level) = cross_states !global_state this_parsed_line in global_state := new_state; (* j'ai remplacé certains this_str par des this_line car pour l'instant j'utiliser le package alltt, j'espère bien y remédier... *) match this_action with Add_comment -> comments_ := !comments_ ^ carriage ^ this_str (* ATTENTION: je devrais chercher les commentaires de fin de ligne problème des '%'!!! *) | Add_code -> code_ := !code_ ^ carriage ^ (colorize this_line) | Add_comments_into_code -> code_ := !code_ ^ carriage ^ "\
comments{" ^ this_str ^ "}" | New_section -> begin Printf.fprintf log_file "*>>> (%s)%s\
n" this_str (get_star_level this_state_level); root_nodes := !root_nodes @ [ (make_section this_str channel_name this_state_level) ]; (* root_nodes := [ (make_section this_str channel_name) ] @ !root_nodes; :pas bon du tout *) into_parsing := false end; | New_subsection -> begin code_ := !code_ ^ carriage ^ (insert_refcode (make_fake_refcode this_line)); (* this_str *) Printf.fprintf log_file "*>>> (%s)%s\
n" this_str (get_star_level this_state_level); fils := !fils @ [ (make_section this_str channel_name this_state_level) ] end; | Into_first_section -> begin title_ := title_part this_str; level_ := get_line_level this_parsed_line; comments_ := comment_part this_str; refcode_ := make_refcode this_str; end; | Close_subsection -> into_parsing := false | Stop -> into_parsing := false with End_of_file -> into_parsing := false done; (* je renvoie un noeud quicontient la description de cette section *) let this_section = { refcode = !refcode_ ; level = !level_ ; title = !title_ ; comments = !comments_ ; code = !code_ } in Noeud( this_section, !fils ) ;; (*> *)
let follow_file fname = root_nodes := []; global_state := Begin_file ; add_specified_key_pattern "filename" (neutralize_filenames fname) ; let this_channel = open_in fname in let first_node = make_section "" this_channel Not_relevant in (* attention: je fais ici un List.rev pour supprimer un comportement INEXPLIQUE: le premier niveau de liste se retrouve empilé à l'envers! *) let all_nodes = Noeud( root_section, List.rev (!root_nodes @ [ first_node ])) in flush log_file; all_nodes ;; (*> *)
let send_to_file a_tree filename = build_relations_rec empty_section a_tree; let this_chan = open_out_bin filename in Printf.fprintf this_chan "%s%s%s" (head_of_file ()) (to_string a_tree) foot_of_file; close_out this_chan ;; let without_ext f = let deb_ext = String.rindex f '.' in String.sub f 0 deb_ext ;; let rec move_files name dest exts = match exts with [] -> 0 | head :: tail -> (Sys.command( "move " ^ name ^ head ^ " " ^ dest)) + move_files name dest tail ;; let get_dest_path = try (Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB_DEST") with Not_found -> Printf.fprintf log_file "ENV: OCAMAWEB_DEST not found!!!\
n"; "" ;; let latexize f mode = let rez = ref 0 in let new_f = without_ext f in rez := !rez + (Sys.command( "del " ^ get_dest_path ^ (without_path new_f) ^ ".* ")); rez := !rez + 2 * (Sys.command( "latex " ^ (without_path f))); rez := !rez + 4 * (Sys.command( "latex " ^ (without_path f))); rez := !rez + 8 * (Sys.command( "dvipdfm " ^ (without_path new_f) ^ ".dvi")); if mode = 2 then begin !rez + 100 * (move_files (without_path (without_ext f)) (Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB_DEST") [ ".pdf" ; ".tex" ; ".dvi" ; ".log" ; ".aux" ; ".toc"] ); end else !rez + 16; ;; let ocamaweb_process f1 f2 mode = Printf.fprintf stderr "%s --> %s\
n" f1 f2; let garzol = follow_file f1 in if mode < 3 then begin send_to_file garzol (without_path f2); latexize f2 mode end else begin send_to_file garzol f2; 1 end ;; let main () = Printf.fprintf stderr "OCAMAWEB version-%s\
n" version; if !Sys.interactive then 2 else begin match Array.length Sys.argv with 2 -> let file_to_comment = Sys.argv.(1) in let file_to_write = (Sys.getenv "OCAMAWEB_DEST") ^ (without_path (without_ext file_to_comment)) ^ ".tex" in ocamaweb_process file_to_comment file_to_write 2 | 3 -> let file_to_comment = Sys.argv.(1) in let file_to_write = Sys.argv.(2) in ocamaweb_process file_to_comment file_to_write 3 | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stdout "ocamaweb input_file.m [output_file.tex]\
n"); close_out log_file; 1; end ;; main ();; (*> *) (*> *)
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.